You will see the message “Waiting for the host to start this meeting” or “The host has another meeting in progress.” Wait at this screen stay nearby.Click on the link in the reminder e-mail to enter your dietitian’s waiting room.Allow extra time if you have never used Zoom before.*

Five minutes before the appointment, make sure you are located somewhere with a good internet or cellular connection.We need to receive the forms by Friday of the week before your visit. As soon as you have finished your 2-4 day food record, mail the forms to Nutrition Works LLC, 805 Stevens Ave, Portland, ME 04103. Please fill the forms out carefully, including all of the required information from your insurance card. Open the envelope as soon as you receive it and start your 2-4 day food record immediately. If your appointment is two or more weeks away** we will send you some forms in the U.S. NEW PATIENTS: Please take care of your paperwork right away.If you have concerns about using your email for this purpose, please discuss them with us before scheduling. While we make every effort to protect your personal health information on our end, please be aware that information exchanged by email is only as secure as your own password-protected device and email account. You will get two e-mailed reminders about your meeting, four days and one day before the appointment. Provide your email address to Nutrition Works at the time of scheduling.Just click on the link a few minutes before your appointment and your dietitian will meet you there! If this is your first time using Zoom please allow 5 or 10 extra minutes to follow the prompts.* Prepare for a successful video-chat: One day and four days before your visit, you will receive an Appointment Reminder email from Nutrition Works with a link to the meeting. Nutrition Works uses Zoom meetings for video-chat appointments.