eWeather HD for Android New version 8.2.5 of the eWeather HDF for Android with improved the user interface of the app and widgets More.eWeather HD for Android New version 8.4.0 of the eWeather HDF for Android with more accurate and understandable form of displaying the amount and probability of precipitation More.eMap HDF for Android New version 2.2.2 of the eMap HDF with tides and and storm radar More.eTide HDF for Android New version saves last 50 ports to offline and has color and transparency options for tide widgets More.eWeather HD weather app for iPhone, Apple Watch and iPad New eWeather HD 3.16 is available on AppStore! Get new Homescreen widgets and beautifully designed multi-year weather archive.eWeather HD weather app for MacOS New eWeather HD 3.18 for MacOS is available on Mac AppStore! Get beautiful Weather widgets for your Mac! More.eWeather HD for Android New version added new weather provider: NOAA (NWS) for US cities and forecast duration increased from 10 to 15 days More.eWeather HD for Android New version added new weather provider: Met Norway (yr.no) More.Air quality index and air pollution: eAirQuality The new app eAirQuality for Android was published with color options and search locations by name More.

eTide HDF for Android New version has option for hold offline stations More.eWeather HD for Android New version added temperature graph for last 24 hours More.